Penyelenggaraan Seminar/Konferensi Ilmiah - IA between Faculty of Humanity UNIDA Gontor with The centre for Trust, Peace, And Social Relations Coventry University

Bentuk KegiatanPenyelenggaraan Seminar/Konferensi Ilmiah
Tanggal Kegiatan2022-11-26
Vol(not set)
KeteranganInternational Guest Lecture: Global Political Economic Turbulence and its impact on the leadership
SasaranMeningkatnya program studi yang berkualitas
Indikator CapaianIKK Persentase Prodi bekerjasama dengan mitra
Kerjasama IA between Faculty of Humanity UNIDA Gontor with The centre for Trust, Peace, And Social Relations Coventry University
Unit Pelaksana Hubungan Internasional
Updated At2023-01-09 09:20:42
Created At2023-01-09 09:06:12

Penyelenggaraan Seminar/Konferensi Ilmiah - IA between Faculty of Humanity UNIDA Gontor with The centre for Trust, Peace, And Social Relations Coventry University

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Penyelenggaraan Seminar/Konferensi Ilmiah - IA between Faculty of Humanity UNIDA Gontor with The centre for Trust, Peace, And Social Relations Coventry University
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